Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Season's greetings to everyone!
I wish all you have a great Christmas and Happy New Year☆ :D

Isn't it great?
Julian Beever a pavement drawings artist.
His web site is http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/index.html for check more tricky arts!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

About Japanese crafts

Is everybody has interest about Japanese traditional crafts? We have a lots of crafts which is clothes, home decor, interior, toy, pottery...and so on.
I found great web magazine it's all about Made in Japan.
It's called PingMag Make.
Very interesting!!

PingMag MAKE is the sister site to PingMag. We use an interview format to put the spotlight on a wide range of people active in rural areas. We document the voices of these unknown heroes and broadcast them to the world. It’s the Japan-based magazine about people and making things, coming out once a week. We’re passing on the passion, ideas, skills, and life stories of people who are building today and exploring tomorrow: craftsmen, engineers, entrepreneurs, and inventors. Stay tuned!

LOVE - mini canvas with easel

☆New in the shop☆

Love accumulates quietly in my mind like the leaf accumulates on the ground.

愛 meaning love.
I used two pink dots in the middle of "愛" which express the passion in the heart. "心"meaning heart or mind.
I wrapped the canvas with the kimono material and put a little piece of chirimen for the "love".

W 6cm x H 8cm
W 6.5cm x H 12cm

Friday, December 12, 2008

precious - ornament ball box

☆New in the shop☆

This craft idea from Japanese KIMEKOMI craft.
The history of kimekomi (pronounced kee may ko mee) dates back to the first half of the eighteenth century. Kimekomi originated with dolls. A wooden base was carved into and fabric was then used to decorate the doll-clothing, face, hair, etc.

Kimekomi means “tuck in” in Japanese. They also may be known as “quilt balls”

I made this with a chirimen material tucked into styrene form ball. I scooped out the inside for the box.

More about Kimekomi is here....

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Another Kirigami magnet

☆New in the shop☆
Another Kirigami magnet set is in the shop now!
This sets are design from flowers and snow flakes but it's suite at any seasons of the year.
Not including a little animals, this is mine! ;)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Frilled turtle and Sunset hair pins

☆New in the shop☆This is a different color and design of Frilled turtle.

This is a hair pin set.
When you put it on, it's looks like this...
Please check my etsy shop and find out more details!