Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One year anniversary!

Today, 01/09 is my etsy shop birthday :)
Thank you for everyone who supported me! especially DUST(Down Under Street Team) family★
I couldn't keep my shop without them!!

I actuary opened shop at April last year once but I closed it, because I went back to Japan for 4 months. Then back to Aussie and started again.

Now I have a 378 hearts (Thank you everyone!)
My very first heart is from janetkchang at 02/04/08 she is a buyer, but from 01/09/08 when I opened shop again, MamaLovePerfume gave me a heart at first. I remember how excited is.
Thank you everyone AGAIN!

I'm having a etsyversary sale, all items 25% off!
Please cerebrate my etsy birthday with me :D

Today I received lovely wristlet from KazStyle. Just perfect present for celebrate by myself!
She is making pouch, bag, Earrings and Necklace,Cellphone Charm/Keychain etc...
It's all Japanese style, using most beautiful Kimono fabrics!!
Please check her etsy shop and find your favorite!
Kaz Style Creations