Friday, October 30, 2009

Bird's feather butterfly

I went to a local craft shop yesterday, and look what I found!!Unusual butterfly made by bird's feather!!
I think pretty simple to make this.
Get some bird's feather, glue on together, cut and made butterfly shape, then decorate with gritter glue and some paint. (sounds easy but may be very difficult to make?)
How smart idea anyway!!
I'm not sure what is this butterfly body, feel like a piece of wood.I will try to make one when I collect some bird's feather at the park. lol
It would be a great Christmas gift ;)


  1. Wow, such lovely work.

    I got the link from Flickr (from painting, my mother's work)

    You are a talented artist.

  2. I love making the spritz BUTTERFLIES with my kids, we make them every year. We even sent some to my daughters friend Jeff who is serving in the Army. They travel well...for it too.

    r4 dsi
